Curious Little Thing

I have an odd habit a friend recently picked up on, a habit I developed about a year ago. He noticed that when I enter a room, any room, and shut the door, I turn my face away from it and close my eyes until I hear the lock click. Only after the door is fully closed will I open them. He gave me a hard time about it until I told him where it started.

I work for a water-seal company in St. Paul. We produce sealant for exposed wood — decks, boats, that kind of thing. You hear about sealant being a dirty word in the Ashland-Ichor Falls-Ironton area, but not all those companies were part of the infamous “Ethylor summer” that wiped out the local economy in the ’50s. I got sent to an industrial park outside of Ichor Falls on business.

I checked into this dismal hotel, the Hotel Umbra, that looked like the decor hadn’t been changed since 1930. The lobby wallpaper had gone yellow from decades of cigarette smoke, and everything had a fine layer of dust, including the old man behind the front desk. I hoped that the room would be in better shape. Mine was on the fourth floor.

Being an old place, the hotel had a rickety cable elevator, the kind with the double sets of doors: one of those flexing metal gates, and a solid outer pair of doors. I shut the gate and latched it, and pressed the tiny black button for my floor.

Just as the outer elevator doors were about to close, I was startled by the face of a young woman rushing at the gap between them. She was too late; the doors shut, and after a moment the elevator ascended.

I thought nothing of it, until I needed to take the elevator back down for one of my bags. I entered, pushed the button for the lobby, and pressed my tired back to the elevator wall opposite the doors. They had nearly completely shut when again I was surprised by a woman’s face moving towards the gap, staring into the elevator through the gate, too late to place her hand in to stop the doors from closing. This time I sprang forward and held the “Door Open” button, and after a moment the doors lurched and slid open.

I waited a moment. From the opening I could see partly down the hallway: no one in sight. Still holding the button down, I slid open the metal gate and craned my head into the hallway to look down the other direction.

No one. No trace of the girl, no recently shut hotel room door, no footsteps, no jingle of keys.

I released the button, but did not lean back against the wall. I stood directly in front of where the gap in the doors would be, in the center of the elevator. After a pause, the outer doors again began to slide shut, to move towards each other until the space between them was the width of a young girl’s face.

In that quarter-second several fingertips appeared, followed immediately by her face again, rushing from around the corner, staring at me as the doors met. I had been watching the gap where I thought she might be, so I saw her — she was about thirteen years old, and very plain, almost homely, with a pale complexion and neck-length dark brown hair that looked mussed or slightly dirty.

I didn’t have time to glance down at her visible shoulder, to see what she was wearing; from her behavior I wondered if she was a runaway or a homeless person who had gotten into the building. She had had a glassy, blank expression, tinged with a little desperation, some distant desire or need. A look that could easily be accompanied by the words “Please help.”

The next time I passed the front desk, I asked the old man if he’d seen a young girl running through.

“Heard the stories, then,” he said between throat-clearings, rocking gently in his seat. “Young Maddy has been here a long time. Takes a liking to gentlemen guests. Always been shy. Never says a word, not a word. Just curious.”

I told him I hadn’t heard any stories, and that there had been a girl taking the stairs and standing in front of my elevator on every floor.

“That’s our Maddy,” he said. “She likes you then. Sweet on you. She just wants to see, that’s all, just to see. All she ever does. Curious little thing. Just wants to see.”

I stayed at the Hotel Umbra for three nights. It was a four-night business trip; the last night I tried sleeping in my car. It didn’t help.

Let me tell you about Young Maddy. You only catch glimpses of her, of a face with a resigned look of quiet desperation, dominated by a pair of wide, dark eyes. Locked doors, barricades, nothing made a difference; she gets inside. I never saw her longer than half a second. Every time I laid eyes on her she retreated instantly, only to appear again an hour or two later. An hour or two if I was lucky.

Let me tell you about where I saw Young Maddy.

Every time I shut the door to my bathroom, in my hotel room, I saw her. If I watched as I shut it, at the last possible second I’d see the crescent of her face moving fast at the gap. I’d throw the door open to find nothing.

Every time I closed the closet door I saw her. If I watched that gap, she’d suddenly be inside the closet, leaning her head to watch me just as it shut. It’s as if she knew where to go, where to be, so that my eye would meet hers. But there was never an impact, never a moment when she’d make contact with the door or the wall.

The first time I sat at that writing table I saw her. As I closed the large bottom drawer. She rushed at the gap from inside the drawer, her wide eyes pleading for something I could not give. I pulled the drawer from its rails and threw it to the floor.

I did spend that last night in my car, but like I said, it did no good. Tossing and turning on that rental car seat, the back ratcheted as flat as I could get it, I’d have to open my eyes sometimes, and if there was a place for her to dart from my view when I opened them, she did. In the side-view mirror, or peeking over the hood of my car — once upside-down, at the top of the windshield, as if she was on the roof.

I’m back in St. Paul again, and I’ve been back for a year. But Maddy hasn’t stopped. If I keep my eyes open long enough, if I watch a place long enough, I’ll eventually catch sight of movement — near the copier in my office, a pile of boxes in an alley, a column in a quiet parking lot — and my eye will get there just in time to see her eye retreating from view. There’s never anything there when I go to look, so I’ve stopped looking.

That’s how I’ve had to change things since the Hotel Umbra. I’ve stopped looking. I keep my eyes shut when I close doors, when I shut drawers and cabinets, fridges, coolers, the trunk of my car. Not all spaces. Just ones that are big enough.

At least, that used to work. I was getting ready for bed a few nights ago, standing in front of my bathroom mirror, door shut, cabinets shut. Watching myself floss. I opened up wide to get my molars.

I swear I saw fingertips retreat down the back of my throat.

This Is Luck

Look at the top picture and you can see where this guy broke through
the crash barrier (right side where the people are standing on the road).

His truck left the road, traveling from right to left. He flipped
end-over-end, across the culvert outlet and landed on the left side of it.

Now look at the picture below.
This Is Luck

My daily Life
Funny Pictures

Die for the Government


1You'd Do the Same2:21
2You've Got to Die for the Government3:39
3Drink Drank Punk1:41
4Rotten Future1:58
5Safe Tonight2:42
6Red White and Brainwashed1:51
7Davey Destroyed the Punk Scene2:19
8Summer Squatter Go Gome3:01
9She's My Little Go Go Dancer2:22
10Police State in the USA2:38
11Punk by the Book2:13
12Fuck Police Brutality2:20
13I'm Being Watched by the CIA2:12
14Kille the Rich3:04
15No More Dead3:49
16Confused Youth4:12
17Your Daddy Was a Rich Man, Your Daddy's Fucking Dead2:08


Their System Doesn't Work for You


1I Can't Stand Being With You
2Their System Doesn't Work for You
3We've Got His Gun
4Born to Die
6You'll Scream Tonight
7Indie Sux, Hardline Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck!
920 Yeasr of Hell
10I'm Having a Good Day
11I Don't Want to Be Like You
12Too Late
13I Don't Need Anybody
14Betty Sue Is Dead
15If Not for You
16Meet Your Master
17We Won't Take No
18Save Me
19I'm Feeling Slightly Violent


A New Kind of Army

A New Kind of Army - album cover


1Tearing Everyone DownSane2:55
2Captain AnarchySane, Head2:33
3New Kind of ArmySane3:41
4That's YouthSane3:13
5No ApologySane2:17
6Got the NumbersSane3:14
7No DifferenceSane4:02
8I Don't BelieveSane2:29
9Right OnAnti Flag1:22
10What You Don't KnowSane2:43
11Free Nation?Anti Flag, Sane2:43
12OutbreakAnti Flag, Sane:53
13Police StorySane, Head3:37
14Consumer's SongSane2:10
15This Is NOT a Crass SongThetic, Sane6:00


Underground Network


1Angry, Young and PoorSane2:42
2This Machine Kills FascistsSane1:38
3Underground NetworkSane4:03
4Daddy WarbuyChris Number Two2:16
5Vieques, Puerto Rico: Bikini RevisitedSane3:11
6Stars and StripesSane3:33
7Watch the RightSane2:52
8Panama DeceptionSane3:03
9Culture RevolutionSane3:41
10Spaza House Destruction PartySane3:04
11Bring Out Your DeadChris Number Two2:14
13Until It Happens to YouSane2:48




1911 for PeaceSane3:34
2Mumia's SongSane, Chris Number Two2:24
3What's the Difference?Sane1:59
4We Want to Be FreeSane1:36
5N.B.C. (No Blood-Thirsty Coporations)Anti Flag, Thetic, Sane2:12
6Right to ChooseAnti-Flag, Chris Number Two2:57
7We Don't Need It!Sane3:12
8Anatomy of Your EnemyThetic, Sane, Head, Chris Number Two3:02
9Underground Network [Live]
10Tearing Everyone Down [Live]Sane2:44
11Bring Out Your Dead [Live]
12New Kind of Army [Live]Sane3:46
13Their System Doesn't Work for You [Live]
14Free Nation [Live]
15Spaz's House Destruction Party [Live]
16Die for the Government [Live]
17Alert, Aware, Involved
18Risen Up
19DarkPipedown, Elliot2:06
2077 Threat
21Us and ThemSilas The Virus, Virus Nine, Danger2:19
22Save the HumansThought Riot2:31
23Sign of the TimesThought Riot2:56
25Whole Lot of NothingSchafer2:14
26Big Bang
27It's Hard
28Green Light, Yellow Light, StopWhatever It Takes [Punk Revival]2:52
29Erase the DaysWhatever It Takes [Punk Revival]2:30

30We Found a Place
31Critical Writing AssignmentSane2:00
32Are We Dead Yet?
33Goobye America
34911 for PeaceSane3:34
35I Can't Stand Being With You
36I Don't Want To
37I Still Love You Julie


The Terror State


2Rank-N-FileAnti Flag3:46
3Post-War BreakoutGuthrie3:11
4Sold as Freedom
5Power to the Peaceful
6Mind the G.A.T.T.
7You Can Kill the Protester, But You Can't Kill the Protest
8When You Don't Control Your Government People Want to Kill You
9Wake Up!
10Tearing Down the Borders
11Death of a Nation
12Operation Iraqi Liberation
13One People, One Struggle


For Blood and Empire


1I'd Tell You But...Anti Flag2:10
2Press CorpseAnti Flag3:20
3EmigreAnti Flag2:59
4Project for a New American CenturyAnti Flag3:17
5Hymn for the DeadAnti Flag3:39
6This Is the End (For You My Friend)Anti Flag3:12
71 Trillion Dollar$Anti Flag2:30
8State FuneralAnti Flag2:01
9Confessions of an Economic Hit ManAnti Flag2:43
10War Sucks, Let's Party!Anti Flag2:17
11W.T.O. Kills FarmersAnti Flag3:32
12Cities BurnAnti Flag3:03
13Depleted Uranium Is a War CrimeAnti Flag4:07


The Bright Lights of America


1Good and ReadyAnti-Flag3:59
2Bright Lights of AmericaAnti-Flag3:32
4Modern Rome BurningAnti-Flag4:19
5If You Wanna Steal (You Better Learn How to Lie)Anti-Flag4:04
6No WarningAnti-Flag3:00
7Spit in the FaceAnti-Flag4:09
8We Are the LostAnti-Flag4:17
9Go WestAnti-Flag4:19
10Smartest BombAnti-Flag3:48
11Shadow of the DeadAnti-Flag3:51
12Ink and the Quill (Be Afraid)Anti-Flag4:34
13[Untitled Hidden Track]Anti-Flag3:12


The People or the Gun


1Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C. (Sheep in Shepherd's Clothing)Anti Flag2:50
2Economy Is Suffering... Let It DieAnti Flag3:36
3Gre(a)t DepressionAnti Flag3:08
4We Are the OneAnti Flag3:07
5You Are Fired (Take This Job, Ah, Fuck It)Anti Flag1:00
6This Is the First NightAnti Flag3:33
7No War Without Warriors (How Do You Sleep?)Anti Flag2:28
8When All the Lights Go OutAnti Flag3:08
9On Independence DayAnti Flag2:51
10Old GuardAnti Flag4:17
11[Untitled]Anti Flag1:06

Check OUT the new band Mooncalf on there myspace page
they play :
Punk / Folk / Funk


Wipe Them Out

Science Fiction Super Trailer

Need for Speed: Underground

Police Lie

Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures

Would you like to have the expensive-Totoro-plushie™ but can't afford it? Take this marvelous opportunity and create a cuboid version of it by yourself with paper and scissors.


The Name is cubeecraft, and it is a website where you can download a lot of paper models to fold, cut and stick together with glue, as well as get it on your brand new jeans. But, more importantly, now you can possess the cuboid avatar of your favourite character, right on the top of your desk!.

There are a lot of characters, from anime, manga, movies and cartoons. And if you really hate yourself, you can also download the basic PDF model, so you'll will be able to create your cuboid creature and share it all over cubeworld.

So, since I love you all, I have copied all SIXTY-ONE cube-things below, so you can see them at once and dowload the model you like with a click. Would someone like to create a cubed-Akio?

Character001 Character002 Image25 Image26 Image21
Stormtrooper Dr.Venture Sachiel Mr.Stay Puft Boom Blox Chicken
Image28 Image27 Image29 Image30 Image31
The Rocketeer Kirby Lagann Companion Cube Usagi Yojimbo
mc chris dr. manhattan Image42 Image43 Image44
mc chris Dr.Manhattan Mario Goomba ? Block
Image49 Image50 Image54 Image55 Image56
Strongbad Bender Megaman Servbot NIN - The Slip
Image58 Image63 Image64 Image65 Image66
Peyton Manning Batman (60's) MODOK Mike Haggar Iron Man
Image68 Image62 Image69 Image61 Image70
Hellboy Domo-kun Venus de Milo Indiana Jones Fertility Idol
Image71 Image72 Image73 Image74 Image75
LaDainian Tomlinson Ness Mr. Saturn Ultra Seven Kermit the Frog
Image76 Image77 Image78 Image79 Image80
Jason Voorhees Pee-wee Herman Chairy Batman Beyond Space Ghost
Image81 Image82 Image83 Image85 Image86
Lucas Claus "Duck Hunt" Dog Gir The Brain
Image87 Image89 Image90 Image93 Image102
Puffer Fish The Prince Totoro Two-Face Molotov
Image94 Image95 Image96 Image97
Hellboy (movie ver) Liz Sherman Abe Sapien Johann Kraus
Image33 Image34 Image36 Image37
Master Chief Hedorah Dr.Zoidberg Mr.Dtoid
Image52 Image53 Image51
Grendel Sam Max
Character001 Character002 Image25 Image26 Image21
Bloo Simon *_* Poo Flexo Krillin
Image28 Image27 Image29 Image30 Image31
Kamina Early Juggernaut Sentinel Little Brother
mc chris dr. manhattan Image42 Image43 Image44
Tim Creature (?) Bionic Commando Loady McGee Rorschach
Image49 Image50 Image54 Image55 Image56
Dexter Viewtiful Joe Dwight Buffy Tardis
Image58 Image63 Image64 Image65 Image66
Brock Vault Boy Sara Sheep Meatwad
Image68 Image62 Image69 Image61 Image70
Lion-O Number Six Scott Pilgrim Chell Robin (3rd v.)
Image71 Image72 Image73 Image74 Image75
Boota Barack Obama ^_^ The Tick Mayor McCheese Darth Vader
Image76 Image77 Image78 Image79 Image80
Gray Fox Kratos Faith Demi-Fiend Coach McGuirk
Image81 Image82 Image83 Image85 Image86
Jehuty Anubis Inhert Ardjet Vic Viper
Image81 Image82 Image83 Image85 Image86
Daredevil Isaac Clarke Stewie Italian Spiderman Captain Maximum